During challenging times, it can sometimes feel impossible to see the silver lining. But you have so much to be thankful for! Recognizing even the simple things that bring you calm, love, and happiness is an important part of maintaining your mental health — and cultivating your gratitude can actually help you sleep better, express more compassion, and even strengthen your immune system. Luckily, practicing gratitude is easy, and doesn’t take long.
Think happy thoughts.
A simple one-minute break from your daily grind to practice gratitude is all you need. Close your eyes, and think about one thing you are grateful for, and repeat the mantra “I am grateful for ___” in your mind a few times. If you want to add more to your practice, try a gratitude-focused meditation! Try to do this at the same time every day to make gratitude a part of your daily routine.
Write it down.
Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take five minutes to make a list of the things you are grateful for. It can be as basic as staying healthy or having a roof over your head, or you can get more personal. Maybe you’re grateful for chatting with a friend, or that your favorite houseplant is in bloom. Having a physical list is a great visual reminder throughout the day! Start a Gratitude Journal.
Say thank you.
Expressing your gratitude out loud has double the benefits — it makes you feel good, and it can also make others feel good! Start by noticing how others might be doing something that makes you smile, or simply makes your life easier. It could be something small, like your roommate doing the dishes, or it could be a bigger gesture, like a friend checking in on you. Don’t forget to thank your healthcare workers and front-line employees, too. Vocalizing your gratitude fosters positive emotions, and welcomes more positive energy your way!
Small Acts of Gratitude
We’re thankful for our Soothe community and so grateful for you! To help you get started, here are some small and easy ways to add more gratitude to your day.
- Write a card to somebody you miss
- Call a family member
- Watch an inspiring video or movie
- Cook a meal with love (even if it’s for yourself)
- Be thankful for the opportunity to learn something new
- Notice and appreciate the beauty in nature
- Smile!